Saturday, 31 October 2009


Makli has come up with a questionnaire that will be put to the people in groups 3 & 4!
Responses will follow shortly.

1) How do you find the First Year Studies so far?

2) What did you think about that project? Was it difficult to develop an idea?

3) What was the idea of making that final piece?

4) What materials did you use?

5) Were you inspired by an artist? If yes, who?

6) Did you find hard to cooperate with other students of your group?

7) Are you satisfied with your work on that project?

8) Make a wish for the exhibition.

Friday, 30 October 2009

Thursday, 29 October 2009

So far...getting there

Well, I'm pretty tired, don't know about anyone else!
Malcolm has started doing mini clips of people talking about their ideas.
It's pretty amusing.

We have to finish our pieces for Mon 9th for them to be photographed and put in the exhibition Catalogue.


a really cool site for ideas, that is updated almost hourly:

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

This is the documentation of eca's FYS Groups 3 & 4, whilst we all frantically try and create something marvvveelllouuuss for the Exhibition 'So Far...' on Fri 13th November.

The exhibition will be held at the Art Complex, St. Margarets House located in the East End of Edinburgh.

Our brief states that our piece has to be:

Black & White with one colour

We cannot spend one penny of our own money on materials...

The title of the individuals work is 'So far...' finished with whatever their piece relates to..
e.g 'So far...I've eaten 79.5 pies since 2008'.

Keep your eyes peeled for images, video, interviews and much more content from the amazing eca FYS students and of course the Documentation team:

and Sarah

Documentation group is formed